Tuesday 17 July 2012

>> 5 ways to customize editor setup

1 Once you have got too much open pannles, you can drag one to another, and you can get only one window with many tabes at the bottom;

2 To attach any toolbars to top, left,right and bottom side you want by drag them;

3 Right cilck on the toolbars to trun on/off when you use the tools too much/not too much;

4 Click the Tool on the top and press "Customize keyboard" to have you individual toolbars;

5 To setting your own hot keys in "Customize" >"Keyboard".

>> 5 things learned

1 The game files and the editors are in Bin32 and Bin64 folders, and the Bin64 would be better if the computer running with 64bit OS, it load faster and have lots more memory;

2 The game file is very important, in the pack flies are basically where the whole game is, everything from animations, sounds, particles, textures and materials are in these file;

3 Useful articles, guides and basically stuffing about exporting texture in sdk.crydev.net;

4 Make sure you see the green light in settings manager file in Tool folder, it means the engine detects the resource compiler which compile the custome texture into dds one;

5 You need to creat an account if you are using the free Crysis.